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网  址:http://www.kcjyyj.com
国际标准刊号 ISSN 2095-3089
国内统一刊号 CN 15-1362/G4

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作者:课程教育研究 | 字数:3627 | 阅读:

  【关键词】整合课程  临床医学  教育改革  医学  教学效果
  【Abstract】Background:The medical curriculum reform is an important way for medical education to continuously advance and explore. In recent years, the establishment and implementation of medical integrated courses has brought a lot of discussion on the pros and cons of medical integration course for medical education. In accordance with the implementation requirements of the Ministry of Education for medical education,, the development of medical students should focus on the combination of clinical skills and scientific research and the common prosperity of humanities and medical technology. Objective:To study the influence of the integrated course of medical diagnostics centered on organ system on the learning effect of medical students in a First?鄄class Hospital at Grade three. Which will provide experience and direction for the teaching and reform of the integrated courses. Methods: Retrospectively analyzing and comparing the learning situation of the students before the implementation of the integrated curriculum teaching reform and the students after the implementation of the integrated curriculum teaching reform.  Results:A total of 58 Clinical medicine undergraduate from 2010 and 2011 were surveyed, and 79 Clinical medicine undergraduate from 2012 and 2013 were surveyed. After the integration of the curriculum reform, the students?蒺 comprehensive ability has been significantly improved. In terms of professional aspects, the latter?蒺s awards and academic achievements have a greater advantage than the former.  Conclusion:The medical integration curriculum has a positive effect on the comprehensive development, knowledge and independent thinking of medical students.
  【Keywords】Integrated course; Clinical medicine; Education reform; Medicine; Learning effects
  【中图分类号】R-4;G434 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2020)52-0057-03

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