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网  址:http://www.kcjyyj.com
国际标准刊号 ISSN 2095-3089
国内统一刊号 CN 15-1362/G4

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作者:课程教育研究 | 字数:3283 | 阅读:

作者:Luo Chunxia(罗春霞)
  【Abstract】This study adopts the questionnaire method to investigate the autonomous learning and training model of the students in the Chengnan College of Changsha University of Science and Technology(CUST) in the network environment. The purpose is to study students’ learning motivation, learning strategies, as well as the expectation of teacher’s role, so as to explore the students’ autonomous learning and training method: to stimulate students’ learning motivation, to cultivate students’ interest; to optimize the students’ meta?鄄cognitive strategies, to cultivate their cognitive strategies and social emotional strategies; to change the traditional teacher role into guide, evaluator, motivator, monitor and moderator,which will help to cultivate the comprehensive English ability for the students .
  【Keywords】autonomous study; strategies
  【摘要】本文采用問卷调查方法,对长沙理工大学(CUST)以网络环境为背景的学生自主学习和训练模式进行了调查,研究了学生的学习动机、学习策略,以及对教师角色的期望,探索学生自主学习和训练的方法: 激发学生学习动机,培养学生兴趣;优化学生的元认知策略,培养他们的认知策略和社会情感策略;将传统教师角色转变为指导、评价、激励、监督和调节者的角色,将更有利于学生的英语综合能力的培养。
  【关键词】自主学习 策略
  【中图分类号】H31 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2018)16-0086-04
  Chinese Educational Ministry has been stressing on formation of autonomous study in English for a long time. Since the end of 2003, the ministry of education has launched a pilot program for college English teaching reform centering on “cultivating students’ autonomous learning ability”. In January, 2004, the ministry of education issued “college English Curriculum Requirements (Trial)”, in which it was clearly pointed out that a successful important symbol of the teaching model reform is the formation of students’ individualized method and the development of students’ autonomous learning ability. In “College English Reform Program in 2017”, there is clear regulation that “To Take students as the center, to focus on students’ needs, to make full use of information technology, to construct and use micro?鄄class, Mooc, to implement a hybrid teaching model based on traditional class, online class and inverted classroom, in order to make students develop active learning, autonomous learning, and individualized learning. Therefore, from 2013, the Chengnan College of the CUST, began to explore actively the reform of college English teaching, trying to shift the traditional “teacher?鄄center” model to the modern “student?鄄center” model backed by the network environment, aiming to promote students’ English comprehensive ability, especially listening and speaking skills, and improve students’ autonomous learning ability of teaching into college English class.

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